Sept. 19–21: Free pop-up sports classes through 99% Sports at EMS, our auxiliary sports program. Register now. Spots are limited.

Parents Association at The Elisabeth Morrow School

The Parents Association strives to foster an inclusive sense of community.

Parents enjoying our Cultural Fair


All parents and other caregivers of EMS students are automatically members of the Parents Association.

PA Volunteer Appreciation Cocktail Receptions 2023


All families are encouraged to become engaged in school activities.

Students enjoying our Fall Festival


Parents can join a variety of committees and clubs, sign up to be class parents, and volunteer at events.

Parents Are a Vital Part of the Elisabeth Morrow Community

The Parents Association strives to foster an inclusive sense of community; support and express appreciation for the faculty and staff; offer a forum where EMS families can convey issues of interest; provide parent education; create social opportunities for students and parents; and help connect families to each other.

Special guest reading to students during our Book Fair & Storytelling Festival

The Book Fair and Storytelling Festival

This multi-day event typically features guest authors, a sing-along, workshops, performances, a raffle, and a flashlight picnic. The fair is a major fundraiser for our Parents Association and also allows our community to support the EMS libraries through book donations. 

Crowd shot from International Food Festival

International Food Festival

The International Food Festival is a biennial event that celebrates EMS’ multicultural community. Families from many backgrounds share their culture through food, crafts, and traditions.

Speaker addressing crowded during our PA Welcome Breakfast


At this annual event, which is offered as a breakfast when possible, the Parents Association shares their plans for the year and how parents and other caretakers can get involved. It’s also a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones.

Students pumpkin picking at our Fall Festival

Fall Festival

This annual tradition offers a day of outdoor fun for families and includes games, music, and seasonal activities. Fall Festival is also a great opportunity for prospective families to meet EMS families and administrators and enjoy our beautiful 14-acre wooded campus.

Our Structure

The Parents Association is run by eight parent volunteers who serve as officers of the Executive Board. It is funded by annual family dues and through its fundraising events. Monies are spent on our programming, as well as making a sizable annual donation to the Faculty & Staff Gift Fund.

Highlights of Parents Association activities include our Start-of-School Welcome, Parent Education Speaker Series, Fall Festival, community service drives, the biennial International Food Festival, Family Fitness Fun Day, and our primary fundraiser, The Great Storytelling Festival & Book Fair. The PA is also responsible for running the school store.

PA President Sarah Lee and her family

A Note from our PA President

Hi! My name is Sarah Lee, and I am thrilled to serve my second year as Parents Association president for the 2024-2025 academic year!

My husband, Jason Kim, and I are parents to three EMS students: Atticus ’28, Zelda ’30, and Cordelia ’33. Like many of you, Jason and I carefully considered a multitude of factors before deciding that EMS was the school for our children. We were looking for a school with a rigorous and innovative academic curriculum, a welcoming and safe campus, a diverse school culture, a solid reputation, a rich history, a record of successful alumni, and a roster of incredible teachers. However, one thing we actually didn’t consider as an important factor was the greater school community. Little did we know back then just how important that would be and how lucky we got with EMS.

When Atticus entered Chilton House in the 3s program in 2017, my job wasn’t flexible enough for me to volunteer on weekdays, but I knew I wanted to get involved. I remembered how meaningful it was to see my parents there for me when I was growing up, and I wanted the same for my children. So I got my feet wet by signing up for 1-2 hour shifts supporting weekend PA events, such as Fall Festival (October), Book Fair and Storytelling Festival (November), and the biennial International Food Festival (February). By working at these events, I got to meet other parent volunteers, including those with children in the other divisions, Little School and Morrow House.

I greatly enjoyed getting to know more members of the community and was surprised to find I had made a number of lifelong friends. I jumped at the chance when I was asked to be a class parent for the 4s class the following year. I have since had the opportunity to get even more engaged in the PA, and my appreciation for this tremendous community has only deepened. I have been able to get to know our dedicated faculty, staff, and administrators and have been able to see firsthand how much they love their work and care for our children. Most importantly, through volunteering, I get the chance to connect with my children as an integral member of their school community. There is nothing quite like the joy I see on their faces when they see me at school helping out.

Whether you are a new or returning family, remember that we are all members of the EMS PA. There is no better way to take advantage and get the most out of your family’s EMS experience than by being involved. It is something I will be eternally grateful for having the privilege to take part in. If you have any skills and/or talents that can help the PA — such as event planning, project management, graphic design, web development, marketing, logistics, hospitality, etc. — please share your skills! Even just an hour or two of your time is so valuable to us, and there is no better time to start than right now. I can’t wait to meet you all soon!

— Sarah Lee, PA President, P: ’28, ’30, ’33

Sign up for PA volunteer opportunities or contact me at

EMS prepares students for an impressive range of top-tier secondary schools.

Our students cultivate the ability to learn, think, explore, empathize, and lead. They graduate with the ability, mindset, and competencies to navigate a global world and are well-prepared to face an unknowable future.

Accustomed to a challenging academic environment, EMS students welcome the demands of competitive secondary schools and are often placed in advanced sections where they perform very well.


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