The Latest EMS News · 25 June 2024

2024 Summer Talks & Workshops

Summer Coffee and Conversation Series

EMS logo in coffee cup foam for summer coffee and conversation series

Join us at 8:45 a.m. on select Fridays this July on our beautiful campus — situated on 14 wooded acres in Englewood, N.J. — for our coffee and conversation series. We’ll sit down with educational experts to discuss parenting strategies for nursery- through middle school-aged children.

We’re also offerings two design-thinking “Workshop Wednesdays,” at 4 p.m. on July 17 and 24, tailored for groups of students in third through seventh grades. Led by EMS faculty, these workshops invite children to solve real-world problems through a hands-on activity involving design thinking, strategy, collaboration, and creativity.

Summer Coffee and Conversation Sessions

Nurturing Independence: Unexpected Situations Where Helping Hinders Learning

Friday, July 12, 8:45 a.m.
Raising independent children is a top priority for most parents, but it can be tricky. Our natural instinct is to smooth the way, shield them from mistakes, and minimize their struggles. However, facing challenges allows children to develop the skills and resilience they’ll need to navigate the world on their own. Guiding your child toward independence takes time, effort, and trust, but the benefits are immeasurable. Hear from Lauren Mactas, head of early learning, about how you can foster independence in young children while avoiding a few unexpected situations where helping can stand in the way of developing independence.

The Admissions Equation: How Grit, Happiness, and a Growth Mindset Impact Your Child’s Success

Friday, July 19, 8:45 a.m.
Find out from Jed Silverstein, Ph.D., head of middle school and director of secondary school placement, how a balance of key factors helps students thrive now and into their futures. Learn how to find a “great fit” school for your child, what high school and college admissions directors value in applicants, and most importantly, how YOU can be the ultimate champion for your child’s success throughout high school, college, and beyond!

An Academic Edge: Striking the Right Chord

Friday, July 26, 8:45 a.m.
Learn about the “educational multivitamin” that helps students outperform their peers, according to numerous studies. Amelia Gold, associate head of school and director of the arts, will discuss the dramatic impact that music education can have on a child’s development and what standards such a program should meet to provide benefits to a child’s language development, IQ, sound discrimination and fine motor tasks, and spatial-temporal skills.

Explore Fall Programming

Can't make it to campus this summer? Connect with the Admissions Office to learn about our exciting slate of events this fall, including the Fall Festival, Book Fair and Storytelling Festival, and a talk on raising digitally savvy students.

EMS prepares students for an impressive range of top-tier secondary schools.

Our students cultivate the ability to learn, think, explore, empathize, and lead. They graduate with the ability, mindset, and competencies to navigate a global world and are well-prepared to face an unknowable future.

Accustomed to a challenging academic environment, EMS students welcome the demands of competitive secondary schools and are often placed in advanced sections where they perform very well.


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