Enhancements and upgrades in Chilton House for the 2022–2023 academic year include a realignment of learning targets, setting the stage for success as children’s learning progresses; a new 2s program classroom, innovative programming, cross-grade and cross-program opportunities for leadership and mentoring; additional faculty, and new programming to support families and caregivers of young children.
Learning Targets
The science of teaching in the early years requires an astute understanding of a child’s knowledge and skills in a moment in time, the ability to collect developmental data, as well as the ability to measure and assess that data using a framework of learning targets. This year, Chilton House has implemented research-based, developmentally-appropriate learning goals that instructionally align the early learning grade levels and ensure that students are prepared for success in Little School, the lower school.
The digital portfolios launched this year for students in Chilton House focus on their growth and development in school and their progress toward these new learning targets. The portfolios allow our faculty members to gather thorough ongoing and meaningful evidence of each student’s development and anticipated trajectory of growth. This, in turn, informs instruction and yields the most powerful learning experiences.
Programmatic Enhancements for Students
A Second 2s Class
A new classroom illuminates an expanding community investment in impactful early childhood education when minds are the most formative and children are the most curious.
Computer science for Kindergarten
Learning in the Little School Computer Science Lab creates a bridge to the next division for our future first graders.
Introducing El Estudio
This new, innovative foreign language and visual arts class fuses conversational Spanish with hands-on, open-ended arts experiences.
Developing Leaders
More cross-grade opportunities for Kindergarten students help them develop leadership skills by supporting younger students.
Programmatic Enhancements for Families
Return of In-Person Events
From Back-to-School Night to Family Sing-Alongs to welcoming family readers to the classrooms — having our families back in Chilton House has been a gift to the entire early learning community.
The Partnership Series
To strengthen the school-family partnership, Chilton House launched “The Partnership Series,” a monthly in-person opportunity for families to learn from one another about topics that they face as caregivers of young children.
Cross-divisional learning
Our Fabulous Faculty
7 Additional Faculty Members
allow for more individualized teaching and smaller teacher-to-child ratios
New Instructional Coach
helps align practices and enhance learning and documentation
New Counselor
helps promote wellness and social-emotional learning
2 New Master’s Degrees
earned among all Chilton House teachers during the past year
Faculty Exchange Program
One of our Chilton House teachers will participate in a Korean exchange program this summer
2022–2023 State of the School: Updates from Chilton House, Little School, and Morrow House, as well as Enrollment, Advancement, Auxiliary Programs, Communications & Marketing, Facilities & Operations, Finances, and Community Highlights