The safety and security of our campus community are paramount, and our Board of Trustees and Operations Team evaluate our campus health and safety protocols on an ongoing basis.
Families are our partners in keeping children safe, and we work to keep them informed of concerns, changes to protocols, and what to be aware of in the home environment. We also rely on families to escalate any concerning information to school leadership.
Dedicated Facilities and Operations personnel are responsible for the management of campus safety and security, as well as maintaining a relationship with local law enforcement, who are often visible on and around campus during the school year while on routine area patrols. The Englewood Police Department consistently monitors state and county alerts and works with area schools should concerns arise.
All campus visits are scheduled in advance, and visitors are managed through a check-in system that verifies identity and background upon arrival. We have incorporated several safety features inside our buildings, including access control systems that limit who can enter throughout the day, with staff members overseeing access. When we renovated Chilton House in 2020, we created a new main entrance with an enhanced multi-step security area and continue to assess the opportunity for future enhancements as opportunity permits.
As part of our emergency preparedness, the school also conducts numerous fire and security drills and exercises each year to ensure that administration, staff, faculty, and students are familiar with the specific actions required.
In the event that a potential threat arises within our community, our Incident Command and Threat Assessment teams are engaged. The roles and areas involved include the head and associate head of school, chief operating officer, director of facilities, and other members of the leadership team and mental health professionals on staff as needed. Team members work in partnership with the Englewood Police Department and outside counsel as needed to assess the threat and conduct follow-up procedures.
The school does not share detailed protocols as a matter of security.
![Exterior of Chilton House](
For the safety of The Elisabeth Morrow School community, visitors are only permitted on campus after receiving authorization from the school and will need to present their photo ID and scan their personal visitor’s QR code on arrival. Visitors must check in at the front desk of the division that has arranged for their temporary access.
Please keep in mind that these policies are in place for the safety of our students. Additional guidance is provided in the EMS Family Handbook available on myEMS.
Enrolled families are encouraged to refer to the health guidelines and resources outlined in the EMS Family Handbook available on myEMS.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, EMS met or exceeded guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the New Jersey Department of Education, and the New Jersey Department of Health and is prepared with tools, policies, and protocols to address a similar situation should one arise.
Questions or Concerns
For a campus or community health or safety concern, email the Operations Team. For concerns about bullying, theft, substances, etc., reach out to your child’s teacher or a division head immediately.