Nurturing curious, confident children on 14 acres of natural learning spaces in Bergen County, New Jersey.
Nurturing curious, confident children on 14 acres of natural learning spaces in Bergen County, New Jersey.
All parents and guardians of new Elisabeth Morrow School students are cordially invited to join Head of School Marek Beck, Ph.D., for a welcome breakfast in the Russell Berrie Music Room at Morrow House. Please RSVP.
All parents and guardians of new Elisabeth Morrow School students are cordially invited to join Head of School Marek Beck, Ph.D., for a welcome breakfast in the Russell Berrie Music Room at Morrow House. Please RSVP.
Visit for more information! Click here to watch this event live!
Visit for more information! Click here to watch this event live!
Visit for more information! Click here to watch this event live!
Facility: Morrow House GYM FROM: 3:30 TO: 5:30 Visit for more information! Click here to watch this event live!
Visit for more information! Click here to watch this event live!
Hear from Dr. Jed Silverstein, Director of Secondary School Placement, about the admissions process for independent schools.
For children age 4 through first grade: Join The Elisabeth Morrow School's gardening teachers in our garden on campus for a fun and informative workshop for the whole community.
Students join Beyond Sports Management soccer instructors every Saturday from Sept. 23–Nov. 4. For grades 1–4, classes are from 9–10:15 a.m. For age 4–kindergarten, classes are from 10:30–11:30 a.m. Students must be registered to attend. Costs are noted in myEMS on the Auxiliary Programs page.
Accustomed to a challenging academic environment, EMS students welcome the demands of competitive secondary schools and are often placed in advanced sections where they perform very well. See where our students have been accepted.