Affording an Elisabeth Morrow School Education

Elisabeth Morrow School

The Elisabeth Morrow School is committed to enrolling the most qualified students, regardless of financial circumstances. 

One in four students receives some form of need-based financial aid. Tuition assistance is awarded on the basis of financial need and is distributed as equitably as possible based on an analysis of each family’s income, assets, and other relevant financial criteria. ​​While we try to be as generous as possible, we maintain that each family bears the primary responsibility for financing a student’s education costs. As such, we expect that each family will fund the child’s education to the extent that they are able and our financial aid program is designed to assist families after they have considered all of their own resources. This expectation is in keeping with the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Principles of Good Practice.

Applying for Financial Aid

Admission and tuition assistance decisions are made independently of each other, but the process happens simultaneously. Immediately upon completing the Ravenna application for admission, complete and submit the TADS School Portal Financial Aid Application with supporting documentation listed below:

  • Household members’ most recently completed federal tax forms (personal and business-owned)
  • W-2s from each job held by household members
  • Most recent pay stub from each job held by household members
  • Documents that establish the amount of additional monthly or yearly income you currently receive
  • Additional documents may be required depending on your family’s circumstances


  • Sept. 5 — TADS School Portal financial aid application for the next academic year becomes available.
  • Jan. 11, 2024 — The financial aid application is due; applications may be filed even if taxes are not complete.
  • April 15, 2024 — Final prior-year tax forms must be filed with TADS School Portal.

Applications received after the deadline will be considered on an individual basis. If you are interested in applying for financial assistance, please set up a time to talk with an admissions staff member before beginning the application process.

Please note that if you don’t receive financial aid in your child’s initial year, you will need to wait two years before applying again as it can be difficult to allocate financial aid in our budget once we have already committed support to families. We will strive to make exceptions in the event of any unforeseen hardships that result in a significant change in a family’s available income or assets.

Financial assistance decisions are awarded upon acceptance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I still have questions about the admissions or financial aid process?

The partnership between home and school is a hallmark of the EMS experience, and it begins during the admissions process. We want to get to know your child and family in order to provide an experience that meets your specific needs and to support you throughout the process. It is by learning about your aspirations for your child and their interests and abilities that we are able to explore the specific ways that EMS will enable your child to thrive intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally, and artistically within a supportive and rigorous environment.

EMS prepares students for an impressive range of top-tier secondary schools.

Accustomed to a challenging academic environment, EMS students welcome the demands of competitive secondary schools and are often placed in advanced sections where they perform very well. See where our students have been accepted.


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